Clan Munro
Information Sheets

These sheets were created by Billy and Jean Munro, extra sheets will be added periodically to build into a useful resource for visiting browsers, particularly Munros.


No. 1 - Crests and Badges

No. 2 - What is a Clan?

No. 3 - Vikings

No. 4 - Clan Origins

No. 5 - Patronymic and Occupational Names

No. 6 - The Social Structure of the Clan

No. 7 - Landholding

No. 8 - Rents

No. 9 - Barony & Pit and Gallows

No. 10 - Clan Strengths as a Fighting Force

No. 11 - Clan Battles/Skirmishes

No. 12 - Historical Sources


No. 13 - Religion

No. 14 - Tartan

No. 15 - Fosterage

No. 16 - Peers and Barons

No. 17 - The Clan Country

No. 18 - Munros In History - 1

No. 19 - Munros In History - 2

No. 20 - Lands and People

No. 21 - The Chiefs and the Castle

No. 22 - Bards and Seneachies

No. 23 - Clan Munro and The Black Watch

No. 24 - Munros at Colloden

No. 25 - Special forces in the Little Rising


These Pages Originally Published on CM(A) Scotland's Webpage.
Used With Permission.

© The Clan Munro Association of Canada